August, 8 2024
72-Hour Gun Purchase Waiting Period Becomes Law On Friday, August 9, 2024

Watch and read Fox 22 coverage here.
Rep. Thorne's Weekly E-News Update

~This Week's Recap~
Personnel and Policy
August 5, 2024 Hermon School Committee Meeting Recap
On Monday, August 5, the Hermon School Committee met. Although audio was improved, there were still moments that were hard to hear both in person and on the live stream. The Superintendent and School Committee are considering moving future meetings to the High School library.
Interim Superintendent Patricia Duran was joined by committee members Brian Veneziano, Haily Keezer, Anthony Reynolds, Debbie Co Wallis, and Dave Hart, Jr. The meeting was chaired by Vice Chair Brian Veneziano as Stephanie Oiler was out of town. The vacant School Committee seat will be filled during a special election on November 5, 2024.
Meeting Highlights
Superintendent Search
Superintendent Grant resigned in the spring of 2024, leaving the committee to search for a new superintendent. Interim Superintendent Patricia Duran started in June 2024, and will serve until December 2024. As part of the hiring process, the committee reviewed and updated hiring policies.
Reports Accepted as Presented
The IT department is completing the installation of an upgraded security camera system. PADS and HMS had the new camera system installed last month, and the installation of security cameras at the high school is scheduled to be completed mid-August. The IT department has also started several network security projects; updated AntiVirus software is being installed on student and staff devices district wide – this includes all Macbooks and Windows devices. The Network Segmentation Project is moving forward as planned. All school networks have been segmented and new WiFi networks have been established to include a password protected guest WiFi networks. These projects are expected to be completed by the end of August.
The Finance Department is working on the FY24 budget closeout, and has started to prepare the FY24 audit documents. The FY23 school audit will be completed this month along with the town. While the FY23 school audit is late, it complies with the approved extension.
There was no formal facilities report, but several projects have been completed over the summer to include renovating the HMS library in order to create an additional classroom, awnings are being installed on doors at PADS and fence projects were completed at the HS.
Subcommittee Process
A discussion about changes to the subcommittee design took place so that the process is brought in line with the negotiated and approved Professional Discussion Committee or “Policy Subcommittee” outlined it the contract with RSU#87. The subcommittee meeting schedule is posted on the Hermon School Department website These meetings are open to the public.
Upcoming Committee Meetings
Meetings are typically held in Hermon High School Auditorium
Monday, September 9, 2024 at 6:30 pm
Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be courageous, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love. 1 Corinthians 16: 13-14
Danielle Haggerty
Hermon GOP
~Upcoming Meetings and Events~

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