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Hermon GOP Connect - October 10, 2024

Writer's picture: Danielle HaggertyDanielle Haggerty

~This Week's Recap~

Hermon School Committee October 7, 2024 Meeting Recap

Hermon School Committee met on Monday, October 7th at the Hermon High School Library.

Esports at Hermon High School

The meeting started with a presentation from Mr. Nick Stahl and the growth of the Esports Gaming program at Hermon High School. Hermon has added Esports in response to a high demand from students and the growing Esports and gaming industry. The Esports club is part of the school’s athletic program and participates in regional meets. The Esports program is introducing Hermon students to the expanding gaming industry that offers scholarship opportunities at nationally ranked colleges and experience in a high growth career market. Hermon High School and Mr. Stahl plan to collaborate with the United Technologies Center in Bangor to provide expanded course offerings related to the gaming industry.

Committee Goals

The School Committee discussed and approved updated goals for the 2025 school year. The updated goals are:

Goal #1 – Finance: Complete the 2026 budget process by 1 April 2025 and align with the town council’s 1st reading budget presentation; no more than inflationary growth in local share funding in FY26 budget; manage the unassigned fund balance to comply with Title 20-A.

Goal #2 – Student Achievement: Establish a curriculum subcommittee by 13 JAN 2025 tasked to establish a process to review student outcomes and communicate academic performance to the community by 7 APR 2025.

Goal #3 - Superintendent Hiring Process: Select a permanent Superintendent by 6 JAN 2025; employ the permanent Superintendent no later than 1 JUL 2025.

Goal #4 Committee training: The School Committee will identify and schedule quarterly professional development training subjects by 2 DEC 2024 for third and fourth quarter 2025, and first and second quarter 2026.

Proposed subjects are:

  • Budget process

  • MSBA Delegate Assembly

  • Boards-man-ship

  • Legal

Maine School Board Association

The committee intended to discuss the proposed resolutions for the MSBA Delegate Assembly on October 19th. However, Mrs. Keezer resigned as the Hermon MSBA Delegate and a replacement was not able to be found with such short notice. The discussion on MSBA resolutions was disposed of without action.

RDU #87 Contract

The Hermon School Committee renewed the contract with RSU #87 with only minor changes, maintaining Hermon High School as the high school for RSU#87.

Policy Review

It was a policy heavy night. The committee reviewed or rescinded twenty-three policies. This is a concerted effort to update the department’s policies.

Hermon High School Achieves Accreditation

The High School was recognized for achieving its continued accreditation through the New England Association of Schools and Colleges. Huge undertaking and outstanding achievement.

Hermon High School Enrollment

Hermon High School enrollment was discussed: Last year HHS had 567 students; based on a prior study, the 2025 school year projection was for 592 students – however, HHS currently has 570 students. This is viewed as good news and is an indication that the expected high growth in student numbers has leveled out, reducing the threat of overcrowding at HHS.

Adult Books at Hermon High School

Hermon High School reported on the library protocol related to student access to resources in the library – book access. Less than 1% of parents chose to restrict all library books for their child; 7% of parents chose to restrict books with adult/mature themes from their child, and 92% of parents chose to allow their child access to all books and materials in the library. This protocol allows parents to have a voice and choice in what library materials their child has access to.

Middle School New Grading System

The Middle School is implementing a grading system that most of us are familiar with – the 0 to 100 scale. The school will collect data on the impact of the grading system and use the information in future decisions about grading policies.

IT Security Audit

The Information Technology Department started a security audit. The intent of this audit is to validate the corrections made from last year's security audit and to check for any other issues. The audit is expected to be completed by the 1stof November.

Fiscal Year 2023 Audit Complete

The Finance Department reported that the FY 23 Audit has been completed. The audit had zero findings or recommendations - a job well done! The Finance Department is preparing for the FY 24 audit and expects to have the audit completed in a much quicker timeline.

Thank you Brian Veneziano for your assistance with this recap.

For lack of guidance a nation falls, but victory is won through many advisers. Proverbs 11:14

God bless America!🇺🇸

Danielle Haggerty


Hermon GOP

Flag waving

🇺🇸Mark your calendar, the next flag wave 🇺🇸

Monday, November 4, 2024, 2 pm - 5 pm across from Danforth's

Early Voting

🗳️Early In Person Voting NOW🗳️

Monday - Friday

8 am - 4 pm

Hermon Town Office

333 Billing Road, Hermon, ME


November Campaign Voter Guides


~Upcoming Meetings and Events~

🗳️Early In Person Voting🗳️

NOW! Monday - Friday

8 am - 4 pm

Hermon Town Office

333 Billing Road

Hermon, ME

👩‍🎓Hermon School Committee Meeting

Monday, November 4, 2024

Starts at 6:30 pm

Hermon High School Library

2415 US-2

Hermon Town Council Meeting

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Starts at 6:30 pm

Public Safety Meeting Room

333 Billings Road

🇺🇸Bangor Flag Wave🇺🇸

Friday, October 11, 2024

3:30 pm - 6:00 pm

Broadway Park, Bangor


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